My Vision for Erie

STAGE+: Building a Better Erie, Step by Step


As the former Chair of the Sustainability Advisory Board, I'm dedicated to building on Erie's existing sustainability initiatives. My focus extends beyond environmental concerns to include fostering a sustainable tax base. By encouraging a balanced mix of residential and commercial developments, we can secure Erie's financial future and fund essential services for generations to come.


I envision a multi-modal transportation network that empowers residents to move around town and the region efficiently. My goal is to encourage infrastructure development that supports various transportation options, including robust bicycle lanes and enhanced public transit, giving you the freedom to choose how you travel.


Keeping Erie accessible is a priority. I'll work to advance the Town's goals of providing affordable housing options, ensuring that those who love and work in our community can afford to call it home.


As a current Planning Commissioner involved in reviewing Erie's new Comprehensive Plan, I deeply understand our town's current growth phase and its potential. I'm committed to guiding this growth phase responsibly, ensuring it aligns with our community's values and long-term interests.


Our natural resources are precious. As your council member, I'll be a steadfast steward of Erie's open spaces, air quality, and water resources. My goal is to preserve and enhance these assets for the enjoyment and well-being of all residents now and in the future.


Good governance requires teamwork. I bring a collaborative approach, recognizing that each council member and staff member brings unique expertise to the table. By working together, we can leverage our collective knowledge and skills to keep Erie a fantastic place to live, work, and play.